*Note: Lead coder should download and save a copy of all answer keys, and be responsible for sharing them with coding team only after practice and reliability coding has been completed.
Determine the general topic of an utterance: Meaning, Literacy, or Behavior.
Who is speaking – teacher or child/ren? Use this code to count questions and comments.
This code categorizes questions.
This teacher code involves elaborating on child utterances by recasting or expanding the topic.
These behaviors are simply marked whether or not they were observed.
This code captures utterances that address the topic of behavior exclusively, such as attention directors or reminders about rules/expectations.
This code involves teacher talk about how to use books, book parts or rules and conventions that English print requires.
This code involves teacher talk about letter names, letter sounds, alphabetical order or letter features.
Involves teacher talk that identifies whole words in print or models writing of words.
This code involves talk about how to write, invented spelling, and modeled writing.
This code promotes dramatization of the book or other pretend role play.
This code includes asking for or providing a word’s definition or elaborating on word meaning.
This code indicates cognitive processes in the brain.
This code captures feelings/emotions and emotional states.
This code captures references to characters as proper nouns.