Research conducted by the Children’s Learning Institute, as well as innumerable studies in the field, strongly suggests that a successful approach to improving early learning environments combines the following key components:
- Activities & Materials: Curriculum and classroom materials that are developmentally appropriate and support skills known to predict school readiness.
- Online Learning & Professional Development: Ongoing professional development for teachers that incorporates effective adult learning strategies, provides authentic context, and supports teachers in moving toward more sophisticated instruction.
- Screening, Progress Monitoring, and Observation: Data-driven decision making tools, including: (1) child progress monitoring that is research-validated and briefly administered and whose primary purpose is to inform instruction, and (2) observation tools that measure teacher practice and provide concrete bases for setting goals for improvement.
- Quality Improvement and Innovation: Advancing a wide variety of quality improvement initiatives and methods that promote effectiveness and cohesion of the early childhood field in Texas.
Through state, local, and philanthropic partnerships, CLI is able to make many of these resources freely available to Texas educators and the public at large.