The Children’s Learning Institute has prepared the following information to help your school district or charter school implement the new requirements established by HB 3 (86th Texas Legislature, 2019). Additional information may be posted throughout the school year based on user feedback.
HB 3 revised the statute to encompass various reading initiatives, requiring LEAs to adopt a K-3 phonics curriculum with systematic direct instruction, use integrated reading tools, and prioritize placing highly effective teachers in K-2. For further details, the TEA website offer additional information about the Reading Academies.
In addition to the Reading Academies hosted by TEA, consider the CLI Engage professional development resources to supplement teacher training:
Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines Online Training: The Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines Online Training on CLI Engage is a comprehensive resource designed to support early childhood educators. Key aspects include:
eCircle Professional Development: The eCircle Professional Development courses on CLI Engage offer a comprehensive suite of 16 courses, totaling 73.5 hours, designed for teachers and administrators working with children aged three to six. Here are some key aspects:
HB 3 mandates that school boards adopt detailed plans developed by their management teams to achieve goals in two key areas:
While 3rd grade is the only grade required for HB 3 goal setting, it is best practice to include progress measures for PreK-2nd grade to track growth toward 3rd grade reading proficiency. This aligns with the HB 3 mandate for districts to use integrated assessments for PreK-3rd grade to diagnose reading development and comprehension.
CLI Engage has data uploading and exporting tools to include additional student demographics to align with HB 3 requirements. These include:
Data Export and Reporting
Upon uploading student data to CLI Engage, district administrators can export and review these demographics using the Circle Progress Monitoring for PreK and/or TX-KEA assessment data reports. The Student Results Export Report provides raw data, including subpopulation demographics, which can be filtered or sorted as required. These additional demographic fields facilitate the generation of reports directly from CLI Engage, assisting districts in strategizing goals and monitoring student proficiency in early childhood literacy and mathematics.
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The Texas Kindergarten Entry Assessment (TX-KEA) on CLI Engage includes a literacy screener conducted at the beginning of the year (BOY). This screener, available at no cost to Texas school districts and charter schools, fulfills the requirements of HB 3. For more information, refer to TEA’s guidance on K-2 diagnostic screeners.
TPRI and Tejas LEE are available on CLI Engage at no cost to Texas school districts and charter schools.
The Dyslexia Referral Checklist (DRC) is intended to support teachers and has versions designed for use in Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade. Find more information on the Dyslexia Referral Checklist webpage.
Under HB 3, all prekindergarten services for eligible 4-year-old students must be full-day and adhere to the high-quality standards established by the Texas Legislature. These standards encompass:
For a detailed overview, please review the CLI Engage alignment with the high-quality prekindergarten program components: High Quality Prekindergarten (Rider 78 and HB4).
For more information, visit the TEA website.
As part of HB 3 implementation, TEA has announced an optional grant opportunity to support new teacher mentoring. For more details, visit the TEA website.
CLI Engage offers free access to a variety of tools and resources to support mentoring and coaching in your school district or charter school. These resources include:
Additionally, CLI Engage provides several professional development resources to enhance coaching quality, such as the Effective Mentoring eCircle online course and the new Coaching Micro-Credential.
For more information, explore the Teacher Coaching section on CLI Engage.