The Circle Progress Monitoring (CPM) online toolkit has been curated to meet the needs of those working in pre-K settings, and who support a variety of educators and leaders within their regions. This “one-stop shop” offers pre-K programs the ability to locate a variety of materials and resources, each tailored to support understanding and implementation of CPM.
The Circle Progress Monitoring System (formerly known as C-PALLS+), is a user-friendly, technology-driven tool that enables a teacher to quickly assess a child’s progress in a particular skill area. This simple yet reliable data collection prompts teachers to focus on lessons that target their students’ least developed skills.
The Circle Progress Monitoring System:
Table 1. Overview of CPM Measures | Type | Language | Administration Time |
Rapid Letter Naming | Direct | Administration instructions available in Spanish; Task measures English letters |
2.5 minutes (timed fluency task) |
Rapid Vocabulary | Direct | English & Spanish | 2.5 minutes (timed fluency task) |
Phonological Awareness | Direct | English & Spanish | Core Tasks: 6 minutes Optional: 4 minutes |
Mathematics | Direct | English & Spanish | Core Tasks: 3 minutes Optional: 2.5 minutes |
Letter Sound Correspondence | Direct | Administration instructions available in Spanish; Task measures English letters |
5 minutes |
Book and Print Checklist | Direct | English & Spanish | 5 minutes |
Story Retell and Comprehension | Direct | English & Spanish | 10 minutes |
Social Studies | Direct | English & Spanish | 8 minutes |
Science | Direct | English & Spanish | 10 minutes |
Social Emotional Checklist | Observable | English & Spanish | 8 minutes |
Early Writing Checklist | Observable | English & Spanish | 2 minutes |
Speech Production and Sentence Skills Checklist | Observable | English & Spanish | 2 minutes |
Motivation to Read Checklist | Observable | English & Spanish | 2 minutes |
Approaches to Learning | Observable | English & Spanish | 6 minutes |
Physical Health and Development | Observable | English & Spanish | 6 minutes |
Total Direct Assessment Time (Student) | 58.5 minutes | ||
Total Time to Complete Observables | 28 minutes | ||
Total Assessment Time, All Measures | 86.5 minutes |
The CPM pilot items were developed to ensure alignment with recent evidence in how children develop skills in these areas and to the 2022 Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines. Our goal was to find the skills most predictive of later school success so teachers can design instruction that helps children be ready for kindergarten, while reducing the total administration burden and aligning with our state’s expectations for children at the end of pre-K. Visit the 2022 Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines Training Facilitation Guide webpage for additional resources.
The new pilot items cover a comprehensive range of skills essential for early development of phonological awareness and mathematics.
These pilot items are available on CLI Engage for the 2024-25 school year within CPM but are not scored and do not impact required reporting to TEA. Any administration during this piloting period contributes to this study and establishing future refinements to the progress monitoring measures.
Watch our CPM Pilot Items Video to learn more about the validation study and how you can participate.
*in item development phase
Your first step is to register your account on CLI Engage:
The CPM User Guide is a comprehensive guide that includes “need to know” information about the administration of CPM in pre-K classrooms.
The Pre-K and Head Start Classroom resources page provides extensive information about how to use the tools and resources on CLI Engage in classrooms with 3- and 4-year-olds.
Beyond the standard “best assessment practices,” this section offers evidence-based implementation strategies that pre-K programs can use to support educators’ understanding and implementation of CPM. The content in this section offers resources for perspective and practice building while growing awareness of classroom-level strategies. These practices are focused on helping make the most of CPM as an assessment tool, family engagement resource, and professional learning hub. Additional resources are offered for differentiated implementation practices, such as offline and remote assessment modes.
Comprehensive training for CPM is available in the Online Courses section of CLI Engage. Users can earn certificates for the completion of each course.
When logged in, access the courses directly here: CPM Self-Instructional Assessment Training Course
Watch CPM Administration Videos to learn how to prepare for and administer CPM measures.
Teachers can print and use these documents, printed versions of the CPM observable assessments on CLI Engage, to track student skill development throughout the year. These checklists are also available for teachers to track directly in CLI Engage.
Access the observables checklists on our webpage: CPM Observables
CPM offers scoresheets, and each are available for all three waves (BOY, MOY, and EOY), if applicable.
Scoresheets in Spanish and English include:
Access the scoresheets on our webpage: CPM Scoresheets
Utilize CLI’s resources for alternative administration functionality and protocols for CPM. Visit our detailed webpage to access teacher’s guides, webinars, and visual schedules to support teachers as they administer assessments remotely: Remote Assessment Administration
The offline assessment feature can be used to assess students when an internet connection is not available at the time of administration. The offline feature for CPM can be accessed from the assessment practice area (for practicing the offline feature) or directly from the class view in CPM (when conducting the assessments): CPM Offline Assessment
Assessment windows are open for each LEA to choose on CLI Engage. Now districts have access to a new optional feature that would enable districts to lock assessment dates to prevent accidental administration outside the LEA’s defined window.
Click the how-to guide for instructions on setting assessment windows:
CLI Engage Assessment Lock
The CPM Facilitation Guides have specific training facilitation information for school staff who will be facilitating training on CPM with their teachers:
Interested in becoming a CPM Facilitator? Receive access to facilitate online courses and award certificates directly on CLI Engage: Facilitator Application Form
Our resource library is curated to help meet the demand of their region’s needs – from the classroom to the district level. Browse our content to find courses, webinars, and guides to further support programs and educators’ understanding of implementing CPM and analyzing data.
Learn about the various reports available on CLI Engage and find how-to guides along with support resources for pre-K programs.
Many of the following reports can be generated at the class, individual student, class, schools, and community/district levels.
Learn more about all the levels of CLI Engage Reports.
The Circle Activity Collection: Pre-K to Grade 2 Collection (log in required) includes the following in each lesson:
Resources for data driven instruction can also be found on our beginning, middle, and end of year specific pages. These pages were curated to meet the needs of educators across the span of the school year:
The Circle STEM Lab Collection is a virtual laboratory that hosts video segments from PBS Learning Media and hands-on STEM activities to be completed independently by your child. These interactive activities integrate video segments with hands-on activities and can be used independently by students or as a teacher directed activity.
Benchmarks are the minimum performance levels students are expected to reach by certain points of the year to indicate skill understanding. The CPM Benchmark table displays the cut scores for benchmarks and is helpful in analyzing your data.
Each CPM measure is directly aligned to Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines. View the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines (published 2022) in English and Spanish, as well as related resources, on the Texas Education Agency’s website.
Learn about how CPM aligns to the revised benchmarks by visiting our Circle Progress Monitoring-Texas PKG Alignments:
CPM is also aligned to the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework: Circle Progress Monitoring-Head Start Alignment
ECDS is part of the Texas Student Data System (TSDS). Visit our ECDS Uploads for Pre-K Data webpage to learn more about the ECDS pre-K required measures and how to upload your data!
Teachers using CPM can share student reports with families by printing them or providing a PIN for online access. Teachers can also send families activities that are designed to support skill development at home.
Student Report Resources:
Implementation Guide (available in English and Spanish) includes the following topics:
Helping Families Understand Their Child’s Assessment Results:
Teachers can collect valuable information on their student’s development by sharing these forms with families and asking them to give feedback about their child. Each form is aligned to the CPM measures to support the integration of family information into instructional planning. Family Observation Forms are available in English and Spanish.
CLI Engage provides a Circle Activity Collection specifically designed to support children’s skill development at home with their parents and families. The Circle Activity Collection: Family can be accessed on mobile devices and does not require a login. This collection provides a variety of hands-on activities that families can do at home. This collection is organized around seven learning domains: Language & Communication, Reading & Writing, Math, Science, Social & Emotional, Physical Development, and Art & Sensory.
CLI’s Family Engagement Toolkit resources make the most of procedures you likely already have in place, such as progress monitoring, homework, parent-teacher conferences, and open houses. CLI advocates a new focus for these efforts: supporting families in better understanding children’s development and engaging in fun, developmentally appropriate activities that not only build skills but strengthen the bonds between family members.
Visit our help center to view answers to frequently asked questions about CPM. Search for other progress monitoring questions or contact the Education Advisor team.